31454 Winterplace Parkway
Salisbury, MD 21804
Phone: 410.546.0787

Damon Invisalign Braces Orthodontics – Salisbury MD – Orthodontist Carrie Schwartz – Maryland 21804

Here is what you can expect at the various stages of your orthodontic treatment.

Your Initial Visit

At this appointment, you will have a chance to tour our new office, learn about orthodontic treatment, and meet Dr. Schwartz. She will perform a thorough examination, review findings, and discuss Springstonetreatment options with you. If further growth and dental development is indicated before orthodontic treatment begins, we will see you for periodic recall examinations.  These visits are done at no charge and allow for ideal timing of treatment.       CareCredit
You will find this appointment to be very easy and informative. Dr. Schwartz will conduct a clinical examination and discuss her findings in detail. Moreover, Dr. Schwartz will be able to inform you if orthodontic treatment is required at this time or in the future. The goal of this visit is to have you thoroughly understand the recommendations made by Dr. Schwartz. Office policies and financial options are also presented at this appointment.                                          

Diagnostic Visit

If treatment is advised, diagnostic records are required. These orthodontic records typically include digital panoramic and cephalometric x-rays, photographs and study models. Orthodontic records provide Dr. Schwartz detailed information that allows her to determine a custom treatment plan for each patient.

Consultation Visit

Once the orthodontic records are analyzed, the treatment plan is presented to you at the consultation appointment. This allows an opportunity to view and discuss in detail the orthodontic treatment recommendations. Time is also set aside to finalize appointments as well as financial arrangements.

Observation Visit

If, after the initial visit, Dr. Schwartz does not feel that treatment is required at this time, a future observation appointment will be scheduled. This provides Dr. Schwartz with an opportunity to monitor dental development and determine the ideal time to begin orthodontic treatment.
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